VistaSort’s focus on process separates us from other manufacturers and drives us to design for applications with specific purposes. VistaSort color sorters are custom built for the required process whether for a food product or recyclable material and is adaptable for a variety of commodities.
Based on advanced CCD Technology, our optical sorters have been developed with exceptional accuracy to increase the purity of products such as beans, pulses, grains, peanuts, rice, leaf tobacco and plastics. Because of this success, we have our optical sorters installed in more than sixty countries around the world.
Our commitment to serve customer needs is highlighted with the addition of an optional infra-Red camera.

835 - 58th Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6X5
Phone: (306) 242-9292
Toll-Free: (800) 667-6924
Contact: Steven Chivilo