Allison McFarland

Dr. Allison J. McFarland serves as the Walter C. and Helen E. Claassen Endowed Chair of Business at Bethel College (North Newton, Kansas) and as a professional consultant on generations in the workplace with Human Performance Advisors (Tulsa, Oklahoma). Over the past decade, McFarland has presented more than 65 seminars on the topic of multi-generational leadership to manufacturing CEOs, human resource professionals, employment service agencies, hospital administrators, mental health providers, nonprofit organizations, small business leaders, emergency service providers, U.S. and Canadian fire chiefs, the Kansas Highway Patrol and military Chaplains. Her research has been accepted for presentation at national and international business and leadership peer-review academic conferences. McFarland has a Ph.D. and master’s degree from the University of Kansas, an MBA from Western Michigan University and a bachelor’s degree from Geneva College (PA).