Best Practices For Drying, Aerating and Managing Corn and Soybeans

Session Description
Dr. Dirk Maier, Iowa State University, during a Greater Iowa Chapter meeting, presented on best practices for drying, aerating and managing corn and soybeans given this year’s delayed and extended harvest season. Topics include: • High capacity drying and the challenges of working with wet corn at lower temperatures • Aeration and stored grain quality management during this late and extended season • How to best prepare for the spring holding and summer carry-over period • Monitoring grain quality using CO2 and how to detect any signs of spoilage.
Meet The Speaker
Dr. Maier is a Professor and Post-Harvest Engineer in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, the Department of Animal Science, and the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University where he is responsible for leading an internationally recognized research and outreach program in post-harvest engineering and feed technology applied to grain and feed operations and processing. He established the ISU Feed Technology Program and serves as the director of the ISU Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex, a $25 million state-of-the-art grain handling, drying, storage and feed processing facility.