What DRIVeS your conflict?

Session Description
A crucial step in resolving conflict is identifying what is driving the conflict. Dr. Ayers uses the acronym DRIVeS to introduce the force driving the conflict: Data, Relationships, Interests, Values and Structural.
Dr. Ayers will introduce an assessment tool to aid in the identifying the force driving both simple and wickedly complex conflicts, then offer steps to resolve, or manage, the conflicts. The webinar will conclude with practical application as well as Q & A time.
Meet The Speaker

Dr. Audrey E. Ayers
Harmony Group Consulting
Audrey Ayers has a Ph.D. in adult learning and leadership, with a main research focus of conflict resolution. Ayers is a national speaker, presenting from coast to coast, on conflict management and resolution in the workplace and in higher education. Ayers has led conflict resolution workshops for senior military members and spouses, industry professionals, education leadership and has worked extensively with the construction industry at all levels. Ayers volunteers in Kansas City by serving on one board, volunteering weekly with middle school kids and mentoring young women at a local university. She teaches college courses on mediation and experiential learning for Avila University. She is a peer reviewer for the Journal of Military Learning and the Association of Adult and Continuing Education. Ayers is an Army spouse of 23 years and has four children.