Ion Commodities

Agtech is our solution for end-to-end management of physical commodities, including grains, sugar, cocoa, coffee, cotton, pulses, oilseeds, nuts and livestock. Around the world, companies that buy, sell, store, merchandise or refine commodities rely on Agtech to provide complete control and oversight over the entire product lifecycle, from procurement to finishing. This single, complete view enables companies to improve margins, achieve vast efficiencies and understand risk. Agtech covers all industry and market requirements across the commodity lifecycle, including risk management, financial accounting, manufacturing, distribution, compliance and user-security. In addition, the solution’s vast functionality provides unrivaled support for trading, sales order processing and inventory and position management. Openlink’s solution is comprehensive yet flexible, enabling users to easily tailor transaction and market activity to specific product types. The ability to manage a variety of contracts in one location ensures that companies can better address volatility and the likelihood of supplier default. With Openlink’s analysis and insights, agricultural companies are able to translate these risks into opportunity. Agtech seamlessly captures and integrates data from across all functions, operations and product modules to ensure that all activity is accounted for in real time. This single view enhances the quality of reporting and measurement and ultimately enables faster, agile decision-making.

1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10105
Contact: Sherry Drutman