3,716 Attend GEAPS Exchange in Kansas City

Event Draws Attendees from 45 States, 23 Nations
The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) was pleased to welcome 3,716 attendees from 45 states, 23 nations and nearly 1,000 companies. Nearly 400 exhibitors filled a sold-out Expo floor. GEAPS Exchange 2024 February 24-27 at Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
“Exchange is an opportunity for all our exhibitors to tell their own stories about what new things they have. Our exhibitors take a lot of pride in their booths and really work to give our attendees a great representation of what they do and how they can be of service,” said Adrianne Fjerstad-Miller, GEAPS’ Conference and Expo Director. “Yes, Exchange is about relationships and connecting with customers but it’s also such a wonderful opportunity for our exhibitors to showcase the best of themselves.”
While it wasn’t his first visit to GEAPS Exchange, it was John Caupert’s first as GEAPS’ executive director. “It was such a wonderful experience in Kansas City meeting new friends and seeing old friends. My pockets are overflowing with business cards and I’ve got conversations to follow up on about ways GEAPS can continue to provide value to its members,” Caupert said. “GEAPS Exchange is such a valuable opportunity for face-to-face networking, learning and so much fun. I’m already looking forward to next year!”
The hoedown themed Get Acquainted Party Saturday night was a great opportunity for old friends and colleagues to come together. A powerful keynote address by drummer and speaker Sandy Gennaro Sunday morning set the stage for the biggest and best show in the grain industry.
Education sessions were packed with record setting participation for the four education tracks designed to meet the needs of grain professionals. Attendees were able to focus on one track or sample a bit of Maintenance; Employee Development; Safety; and Grain Operations tracks.
In addition to great education, GEAPS Exchange included an Expo Hall filled with technology and services to make grain operations safer and more efficient; education on the latest trends and best practices and social events that help reinforce business relationships.
Finally, Exchange ended on a fun note with a new event, Music Bingo. After a brief recap from GEAPS International Board of Directors President President Chuck Kunisch, attendees relied on their musical knowledge—and their friends to win some sweet prizes.
Exchange 2025 is scheduled for February 22-25 back at Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri. Booth sales for the event open late summer, with registration opening later in the fall. Watch GEAPS’ communication channels for more information.
Grain industry professionals need not wait for next year to get together again. Registration is open for GEAPS Leadership Conference, scheduled for May 8-9 in Fort Worth, Texas. The event features a robust education focus, social events and—of course—networking! Also, the Conference will host a tabletop tradeshow to encourage networking and continuation of sharing industry knowledge through sharing services and products. Learn more at www.geaps.com/leadershipconference.
The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) is an international professional association of grain handling and processing professionals. GEAPS addresses the industry’s critical grain handling, storage and processing operations needs by providing networking, professional development programs and access to a global marketplace of industry suppliers. GEAPS’ global network includes more than 3,000 individual members from about 1,000 companies. Join our network today!

Jessica Waltzer
Communications Manager