News from GEAPS Headquarters

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GEAPS Exchange

GEAPS Honors 25-Year Members at Exchange 2017

GEAPS Honors 25-Year Members at Exchange 2017 GEAPS was pleased to recognize 18 members who each celebrated a quarter century of continuous membership during the GEAPS Celebration at Exchange 2017 in Kansas City, Missouri. Three of the following members were in attendance for the ceremony. Each received a silver pin […]
Published: Mar 01, 2017 by Rosina
GEAPS Exchange

GEAPS Honors 2016 Chapter Members of Distinction at Exchange 2017

GEAPS Honors 2016 Chapter Members of Distinction at Exchange 2017 GEAPS recognized four outstanding individuals with the Chapter Member of Distinction Award during the GEAPS Celebration at at Exchange 2017 in Kansas City. Awardees were nominated by chapter officers to recognize outstanding contributions to leadership or service to their chapter […]
Published: Mar 01, 2017 by Rosina
Safety Awards

436 Facilities Across 32 Companies Win 2016 Safety Awards

436 Facilities Across 32 Companies Win 2016 Safety Awards GEAPS announced that 436 facilities representing 32 companies received Safety Awards for successfully completing the 2016 calendar year without a single lost time injury or illness. The companies were recognized at GEAPS Exchange 2017 in Kansas City. Robert Taylor, Cargill, GEAPS […]
Published: Mar 01, 2017 by Rosina
GEAPS Exchange

GEAPS Honors Corbett Award and Industry Leaders at Exchange 2017

GEAPS Honors Corbett Award and Industry Leaders at Exchange 2017 GEAPS honored three outstanding leaders during the President’s Banquet at GEAPS Exchange 2017 in Kansas City. Each honoree was nominated by their peers. GEAPS Associates Board President Colin McClure, PMI Nebraska, Greater Nebraska Chapter and International President Marcus Neal, Lansing Trade […]
Published: Mar 01, 2017 by Rosina
GEAPS Exchange

GEAPS Recognizes 40 Year Members at Exchange 2017

GEAPS Recognizes 40 Year Members at Exchange 2017 GEAPS was thrilled to recognize members who celebrated 40 consecutive years of membership during the GEAPS Celebration at GEAPS Exchange 2017. Each member received a bronze GEAPS pin to commemorate the milestone. Jimmy Carlson, Retired, Mid-America Chapter Alfred Dressing, Missouri Power Transmission Inc, Gateway […]
Published: Mar 01, 2017 by Rosina