GEAPS, Kansas State University Partner for Grain Elevator Managers Course

Registration is Open for In-Person Course April 30-May 3
Last spring, we were happy to partner with Kansas State University to bring back inperson training for grain elevator managers. If you considered going last year, or wish you had sent your team, here’s another chance!
The KSU-GEAPS Grain Elevator Managers Course will be an intensive, in-person training. It will be conveniently offered in the IGP Conference Center on the Kansas State University Campus.
This is a great course for those of you who work in operations, procurement, management or other key grain handling roles.
You’ll learn the science that drives the work we do. Course topics include personnel management; grain quality management; grain handling equipment; grain drying; grain operations costs; grain inventory management; grain receiving and shipping; grain condition monitoring; grain aeration strategies; and fumigation.
“Whether new to the industry or a seasoned veteran, the Grain Elevator Managers course is an invaluable, in-person learning experience for those who work in grain operations, procurement, management, or other key functions of grain handling,” said GEAPS Executive Director John Caupert. “This is a tremendous learning opportunity. We look forward to seeing you in Manhattan, Kansas!”
The course is scheduled for April 30-May 3. While it is centrally located allowing drivein access for many members, KSU will Deadline is Tuesday, April 30 Scholarships Benefit Industry Professionals, Students G send information on hotel options after registration.
The course fee is $1,300. GEAPS members will receive a 20 percent rebate after registering. The final cost for GEAPS members will be $1,040.
Space is limited for this course, so register now to reserve your slot.