Chapters are the heart of GEAPS.
It’s what is happening where you are, learning from your neighbors and colleagues and networking with folks who can not only take a call but maybe meet you for coffee or drive out to your site. GEAPS members can get so much out of their chapter involvement thanks to chapter leadership.
Our best members step up to become chapter leaders. What about you?
Chapter leaders are the folks who make it all possible. Their ideas for events, trainings, meetings and fun are what shapes local chapters. Chapter leadership is a great first step toward moving higher up with other leadership positions on GEAPS committees and Board of Directors.
To become a chapter leader, reach out to your chapter president to share your interest and understand the timelines and commitments. Ask about opportunities to shadow a current leader or attend a planning meeting or board meeting. There are likely small ways you can help even before you’re elected!
Be on the lookout for elections in the spring, typically by June 1. Generally speaking, your term begins with the start of the GEAPS fiscal year, July 1. Most chapter leader terms are for one year. A few chapters have multi-year terms. Want more information on your chapter’s specifics? Contact Deb.
Chapter leaders are supported by GEAPS staff. Your home team will always be there to support you and your chapter. We want you to succeed!