Calling Future Leaders
The GEAPS Nominations Committee invites Regular, Associate and Affiliate members who are excited and inspired by change, growth and opportunity to apply for consideration on the GEAPS International Board of Directors. Applications are due January 15.
The Nominations Committee will develop a ballot of qualified candidates for elections next spring. Candidates will be selected based on skills and experience. There will one Regular board director positions, two Associate or Affiliate board director slots and the Second Vice President position. The Second Vice President candidate must be an Associate or Affiliate who currently serves on the Board.
Terms are expiring for Casey Abel, King Ranch; Scott Brittingham, MCGOM, Mountaire Farms and Alex Westlind, The Wietz Co. Having already served two board terms, Brittingham is ineligible to run for re-election.
Board members are expected to engage and contribute to all Board activities, specifically, attending at least 75 percent of all Board meetings. Board members are also expected to join a Board committee—Nominations, Governance or Finance. Nominees should be willing to serve as an ambassador for the Board across the organization, taking part in GEAPS member offerings such as attending GEAPS Exchange or enrolling in GEAPS Training and Education courses.
Board members also should serve as internal advocates for GEAPS at their company, helping to recruit new members, Exchange attendees, Training and Education participants and chapter meeting attendees.
If you have a passion for GEAPS, leadership and volunteer service, this might be the role for you. All dues-paying members in good standing are eligible to apply. GEAPS bylaws also require that no more than two individuals from a company serve on the board at one time.
GEAPS’ Nominations committee seeks candidates who will:
- Be an active and engaged member of the board
- Improve the diversity of the board
- Reflect the diverse geographic nature of GEAPS, including international members
- Bring subject matter expertise not contained on the board
This year, GEAPS would be excited to see candidates who can improve the skills and experience diversity of the board with international experience and experience in grain merchandising.
Individuals interested in nominating themselves should submit an application, which is available on the GEAPS website below. In addition to including a resume, include links to social profiles such as LinkedIn, applicants will also be asked to list two current GEAPS members who will support them as a potential board member.
Nomination applications must be submitted by January 15, 2024. The Nominations committee will interview and review all applicants as they prepare an approved slate of candidates for the Spring 2024 election which begins in April. Selected candidates are encouraged to attend GEAPS Exchange to record a candidate video. Elected board members will be announced at GEAPS Annual meeting and will begin serving July 1, 2024 .
Questions? We’re Here to Talk
For more information or to discuss your interest in these leadership opportunities, call (763) 999-4300 to talk with Director of Operations Julia Kloehn regarding board leadership.
Questions? We’re Here to Talk
For more information or to discuss your interest in these leadership opportunities, call (763) 999-4300 to talk with Interim Executive Director Julia Kloehn regarding Board leadership.