Developing an energy program can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. EnTech Solutions’ Path to Smarter Energy is a step-by-step energy guide for organizations. It includes simple energy conservation all the way through achieving energy independence, all the while aligning with your financial, operational and environmental goals. 

The Path to Smarter Energy is a journey that can take years to decades; however, many companies are challenged with putting together a plan today. Saywer and Jay will be discussing the best ways to start your Path to Smarter Energy and what to do in the event you need to recalibrate your path. Jay will be covering energy and sustainability assessments and how these assessments give you the data to start asking the right questions. Sawyer will be discussing how you model your energy future and carbon reduction roadmap after you have captured the correct data, so you have confidence in your decisions around the energy saving and sustainability projects.