While recognizing that each employee is an individual, broad traits have been observed about the youngest individuals to enter the workforce: Generation Z. While Millennials were identified as driven, hyper-connected, and confident, your youngest employees are more likely to be uncertain, risk-averse, anxious, and fearful of adulthood. Instead of looking ahead to a world of opportunities, Gen Z often sees an uncertain future. It is encouraging to note that members of Gen Z are open-minded, curious, compassionate, excited to learn, and eager to make a difference in the world. Regrettably, they are also more anxious and depressed and exhibit a lower ability to cope with adversity than previous generations at the same age.

Changes in this generation have come faster than other generations. How do managers successfully recruit, retain, mentor, and engage this generation of workers? Is it possible to align employer and Gen Z expectations regarding work expectations? Effective leadership is inextricably connected to change. Are you prepared to adapt to these unique and evolving challenges? This presentation will provide tangible content and immediate application related to these questions.